ABG Interpretation
Maintaining homeostasis is crucial for the human body to function optimally. Homeostasis involves fluid volume status and electrolyte balance. The body is continuously adjusting to maintain homeostasis. One tool nurses use to assess homeostasis is blood gas analysis. Blood gas analysis can be done with either venous or arterial blood. However, arterial blood is used most often in the hospital. While the healthcare team can help the body compensate for some imbalances, maximizing organ function to maintain proper acid-base balance is best.
Why is acid-base balance important?
Understanding the components of acid-base balance and their relation to one another helps one to recognize its importance in gas exchange. For cells, tissues, and organs to be functional, a constant stream of oxygen must be delivered. As the cells metabolize the oxygen, they create CO2. The blood then carries this CO2 back to the lungs to be exhaled. A similar process occurs with bicarbonate; the kidneys excrete it as waste.
Why ABGs instead of VBGs?
Venous or arterial blood can be used for acid-base balance analysis. Typically in the hospital setting, ABGs are used because they were previously believed to be more accurate. However, current research suggests that the interpreter must acknowledge whether the blood is venous or arterial and adapt the expected values accordingly. With this understanding, venous blood gases (VBGs) can reflect metabolism as accurately as an arterial blood gas but does not give an accurate measure of the patient's oxygenation status. On a VBG, the pH and CO2 are reliable but do not give us a complete picture.
What are the components of an ABG?
There are five critical components to an ABG.
How do ABG numbers apply to my patient?
There must be a pressure gradient for oxygen and carbon dioxide to be exchanged. When blood comes into the lung and the alveoli, the pressure of O2 is higher in the alveoli than the blood. It will diffuse across the walls of the alveoli into the blood. Simultaneously, the concentration of CO2 is higher in the blood than in the alveoli, causing the CO2 to diffuse from the blood into the alveoli, where it will be exhaled.
Both respiratory and metabolic mechanisms affect the pH. When all organ systems work well, a finely tuned balance is in constant motion between the lungs and the kidneys- maintaining appropriate O2, CO2, and HCO3 levels. With each gas exchange in the lungs, the oxygen level in the blood rises, and carbon dioxide levels decrease, resulting in a bicarbonate ion's eventual creation. However, when systems are not optimal, the balance is thrown off, and levels of CO2 and HCO3 can be too high or too low. The type of imbalance depends on which element (CO2 or HCO3) is altered.
What does it mean to be acidotic or alkalotic?
The terms acidosis and alkalosis refer to the pH. The normal pH of blood is 7.35-7.45. If the pH is below 7.35, the patient is considered "acidotic." If the pH is above 7.45, the patient is considered "alkalotic."
Once you can determine the pH state (acidosis or alkalosis), further interpretation can give you insight into which systems are not performing optimally.
How can I systematically interpret ABG results?
What is compensation, and how does it apply?
Compensation is the process through which the body tries to overcome acid-base balance changes that may alter the system's overall pH. For example, an increase in PaCO2 results in a decrease in HCO3; this works to maintain a normal pH. If a normal pH is maintained, full compensation has occurred. Partial compensation results when the pH remains abnormal but not as bad as anticipated with the alterations in PaCO2 and HCO3.
This summary is for any nurse who wants a better understanding of blood gasses. It provides foundational knowledge in understanding how alterations in blood gases affect homeostasis. Basic knowledge of blood gas interpretation can help you facilitate early recognition and intervention to prevent worsening patient conditions and promotes patient safety.
What is arterial blood gas?
Remember, hypoxia is a life-threatening condition. So, oxygen levels must always be maintained for the body to continue to live.
- pH: measures the amount of acid in the blood. High levels of acid in the blood (i.e., a low pH) are harmful to the body. Low blood pH can cause tachypnea, hypotension, vasodilation, confusion, or altered mental status. A low blood pH can indicate a medical emergency that needs attention.
- Partial Pressure of Oxygen (PaO2): measures the pressure of oxygen presently dissolved in the blood (or carried on hemoglobin) and how well oxygen can leave the lungs and enter the blood.
- Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide (PaCO2): measures the carbon dioxide level currently dissolved in the blood and how well it can exit the system. The lungs generally control it.
- Bicarbonate (HCO3): Bicarbonate is a chemical buffer used by the body to maintain a normal pH. It is created by the body to help eliminate CO2.
- Oxygen saturation (O2 sat): Oxygen saturation is a measurement of how well hemoglobin is saturated with oxygen in the blood.
- First, identify the Primary change in the pH (Is the pH outside the range of 7.35-7.45?)
- Identify the primary cause of the shift in pH (Is it Acidic or Alkalosis?)
- Identify the Primary effect of the shift in pH (is it ↑CO2 which ↓pH or ↑HCO3 which ↑pH)
↑pH = Alkalosis or ↓pH = Acidosis
↑PaCO2 = Respiratory Acidosis or ↓PaCO2 = Respiratory Alkalosis
↑HCO3 = Metabolic Alkalosis or ↓HCO3 = Metabolic Acidosis
The acronym ROME can be used to help you remember the relationship between pH and CO2.
The acronym ROME can be used to help you remember the relationship between pH and CO2.
Respiratory Opposite- pH and CO2 arrows are in OPPOSITE directions with respiratory alterations.
Metabolic Equal- pH and CO2 arrows are in EQUAL directions with metabolic alterations.
I have interpreted my patient's ABG; what happens next?
All types of acid-base imbalances are corrected by fixing the underlying cause. Examples of this may be by utilizing mechanical ventilation (both non-invasive and invasive), balancing electrolytes, managing chronic conditions, and infusions of medications depending on each situation.
One strategy used to assist with respiratory alterations in pH is BiPAP. BiPAP is employed to facilitate improved gas exchange. BiPAP may be administered two ways: non-invasively (using a mask) or invasively (through an endotracheal tube and ventilator). Some patients will even go home on BiPAP for regular use. If you have a patient who brings a BiPAP machine from home, they can use it in the hospital setting. However, the hospital will not supply circuits or interfaces for their home equipment. If they forget their equipment at home, respiratory therapy can provide hospital-owned equipment in certain circumstances.
When a patient is having metabolic alterations in pH, treatment is focused on correcting the underlying cause. Due to the underlying cause, the body is either creating too much bicarbonate or is unable to excrete hydrogen ions. For example, in extreme food poisoning, a patient may experience excessive volume loss through emesis and stool. Bicarbonate ions can be lost in the stool. As fluid loss occurs, less volume is filtered by the kidneys, leading to the increased hydrogen ion concentration in the blood (making it more acidic). With the administration of additional fluids, the blood's fluid volume increases, the kidneys can filter more effectively, and the pH can return to normal.
Now, put it all together!
A 25-year-old female underwent surgical reconstruction of her right femur following a fall down the stairs. Currently, she is on a PCA pump with morphine infusing postoperatively. She is drowsy. Food services notify her RN that when she delivered her meal tray, the patient was drowsy and incoherent. The RN assesses the patient and initiates a CERT. Her ABG results are as follows:
The nurse can interpret these results as what type of acid-base balance?
What ion imbalance is responsible for this state?
What orders should the nurse anticipate to assist her patient better?
Contact us at CNREPHelp@houstonmethodist.org
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