Unit Administrative Assistant Corner
By Camille Asamoah, MSN, RN-BC
Professional Development Coordinator,UAA Program Coordinator
By Camille Asamoah, MSN, RN-BC
Professional Development Coordinator,
UAA Program Coordinator
The UAA group has started the year headed in the right direction under the leadership of Barbara Johnson, Associate Chief Nursing Officer. Before the pandemic, the UAAs and Secretaries were beginning to have monthly meetings. Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of the month in the morning and on the 4th Thursday of the month in the evening. These meetings are currently replacing what was known as UAA Advisory Council and provide a chance to make your voice heard. Do you have a question that you want to ask? Do you have a suggestion for a change that you would like to present? Then come to the UAA meetings and participate in the activities. Mingle with your fellow UAAs. Catch up with old friends and make new ones!
Unfortunately, we had to cancel the much anticipated UAA Appreciation Day held every April due to concerns with COVID-19. Please know how much we appreciate every one of you and all of the things you do to keep your units running smoothly!
More information to come regarding all things UAA. Please stay tuned and check your emails regularly!
We can all agree that 2020 has been a crazy year so far! It has been up and down with the Coronavirus Pandemic that has swept the world and completely changed our day-to-day “normal” as we know it. Labor Pool training was held for displaced Unit Administrative Assistants (UAAs) and Secretaries around the system. 100 employees attended the UAA Labor Pool training sessions via WebEx, which was run over three weeks. Some of these employees even joined us from departments such as social work, occupational therapy, and employee wellness. It was nice to come together, even though the circumstances were unfortunate. Thank you to all those who provided support during that time.
Contact us at CNREPHelp@houstonmethodist.org
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© 2020. Houston Methodist, Houston, TX. All rights reserved.
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Learning with the Times: Merging New Technology with Education
A Graduate Nurse's Experience Working With COVID
Upcoming Courses
How SMART Are Your Goals?
Labor Pool Experiences During COVID
Coming Soon! Houston Methodist Hospital Preceptor Academy
on the images below to learn more about some of our uaasTAP
on the images below to learn more about some of our uaas
Ronnie Haythorne
My name is Ronyelle M. Haythorne aka Ronnie.
I was born and raised in St Louis, MO, and graduated from Berkeley Sr. High. I then attended Southeast MO State University (SEMO). I have one daughter I love dearly who is currently attending school to become an EMT.
I have been here at Houston Methodist for 1 year and 8 months as a UAA.
What I like about being a UAA is that I get to meet and work with an internationally diverse group of people. As a UAA, there is such a variety of tasks that I can do which makes my day very interesting and unpredictable. I currently work as a UAA in the Skilled Nursing Facility, which is a high-volume unit that keeps my day busy. The most important thing I like about being a UAA is the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills from my nurses and PCA’s.
I would like to see the UAA group be recognized for the hard work we bring to Houston Methodist this year and for years to come.

Kalisha Benjamin
My name is Kalisha Askew Benjamin. I have lived here in Houston all my life. I have a loving husband, 3 boys and 2 sisters. I started working at Houston Methodist in 2008 on the stroke unit as a PCA II, and then I became a UAA in 2012 on the same unit. Being a UAA can be very difficult, but I love helping the patients, doctors, nurses and PCA's. My goal every day is to help the unit run as smoothly as possible. This year I see the UAA group taking steps to become a cohesive unit that would provide stability and readiness to all units to ensure a great working environment for years to come.

Lyndee Kennard
My name is Lyndee Kennard. I was born in the Philippines and moved to the United States 19 years ago. I was able to go back to school and graduated from Delta College of Arts and Technology in Medical Administration. I'm blessed to have joined Houston Methodist Hospital shortly after. I have 2 daughters, Michelle and Mikaella, who I love to the fullest.
The best thing about being a UAA is working on the SNF (Skilled Nursing Facility) which is a very busy and diverse unit. My experience being a UAA involves a lot of multi-tasking and a variety of responsibilities that helps make the day move faster. I love that I have an opportunity to make a difference in people's lives. It doesn’t matter if it goes unnoticed, it gives me great pleasure to know that I have made significant accomplishments and contributed a positive impact to others. I've been a UAA for 6 years, and there is still more to learn every day.
I would like to see the UAAs become more involved in activities and the hospital setting. I believe this can benefit the patients, visitors, the entire Houston Methodist staff and, of course, my fellow UAAs as we strive for I-Care values. Thank you and may God bless us always.

Tammie Tillis
My name is Tammie Tillis. I’m a graduate from Houston’s James Madison High School c/o 1989. I have an Associates in Human Service from Kaplan University c/o 2013. I’m happily married to Pastor James C. Lewis, am the proud mother to Treyana (23) and the proud grandmother to Zion (6). As a kid I dreamed of being a nurse, but never pursued the degree, but in 1996 I received my CNA certificate and worked at several facilities.
I can say that my life changed when I started working at The Woman’s Hospital of Texas in 2000; I was a CNA/Unit Clerk for roughly 7 years and then in 2008 I became the permanent Unit Clerk for the Med/Surg Unit until 2015.
My journey at Methodist began November of 2015 as the UAA on Jones 11 and it has been wonderful!
I love my team, I love my position, and I love the purpose God has me here to fulfill.
I’m in a moment right now in my life where I’m content, but also ready for change and growth.
Thank you for this opportunity to share a little bit of myself.